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1983 Formula 1 TT
Position Competitor(s) Time Speed Machine
1 Dunlop, Joey 1:59:06.40 114.03 Honda
2 Grant, Mick 1:59:59.40 113.2 Suzuki
3 McElnea, Rob 2:00:12.20 112.99 Suzuki
4 Marshall, Roger 2:00:15.00 112.95 Honda
5 Nation, Trevor 2:02:05.80 111.24 Suzuki
6 McClements, Sam 2:03:51.80 109.66 Suzuki
7 Wells, Jim 2:04:46.00 108.86 P & M Kawasaki
8 Hiscock, Dave 2:06:03.40 107.76 Suzuki
9 Hunt, Michael 2:07:06.60 106.86 Kawasaki
10 Jackson, Alan 2:07:40.40 106.39 Yoshimura Suzuki
11 Ireland, Denis 2:09:27.80 104.91 Suzuki
12 Martin, Ian 2:12:12.20 102.72 P&M Suzuki
13 Heselwood, John 2:13:09.80 102 Suzuki
14 Jeffreys, Roy 2:13:32.80 101.71 Kawasaki
15 Jeffreys, Mick 2:17:21.00 98.89 Kawasaki
16 Buckley, Keith 2:17:33.80 98.73 Moriwaki Honda
17 Gordon, Davy 2:17:52.20 98.51 Moriwaki Kawasaki
18 Knight, Ray 2:18:25.60 98.12 P&M Honda
19 Kerner, Hartley 2:18:47.40 97.86 Honda
20 Roebury, Ron 2:20:57.60 96.35 Honda
21 Carbutt, Steve 2:21:32.60 95.96 Suzuki
22 Huggett, Fred 2:22:00.80 95.64 Triumph
23 Matthews, Tony 2:23:19.80 94.78 Suzuki
24 Kirwan, Mal 2:23:56.00 94.37 Ducati
25 Wood, Derek 2:32:05.60 89.32 Triumph
26 Raybould, John 2:33:26.80 88.54 Honda
27 Galbraith, Eric 2:38:05.40 85.91 Suzuki
R Jones, Jeff Suzuki
R Hannay, Allan Suzuki
R Salle, Mark Kawasaki
R Roper, Dave Ducati
R Claude, Rob Suzuki
R Barrett, Paul Kawasaki
R Johns, Mark Suzuki
R Koberstein, Reinhard Yamaha
R Cooper, Andy Triumph
R Kerby, Dave Kerby Kawasaki
R Burgess, Norman Kawasaki
R Moyce, Asa PIP Kawasaki
R Caffrey, John Caffrey Ducati
R Fogarty, George Ducati
R Moynihan, Steve Yamaha
R Murray, Bernard Kawasaki
R Nagel, Rainer Ducati
R Lovett, Phil Manzano Kawasaki
R Farmer, Gordon Ducati
R Johnson, Geoff Suzuki
R Ruttle, Graham Suzuki
R Beaud, Yvan Honda
R Ashton, Dave BMW
R McGladdery, Andy Kawasaki
R Bedlington, David Norton
R Rutter, Frank Honda
R Nicholls, Phil Suzuki
R Copland, Alistair Darvill Honda
R Butenuth, Hans-Otto Honda
R McGregor, Graeme Suzuki
R Wrettom, Kevin PIP Harris Kawasaki
R Williams, Charlie Yoshimura Harris
R Lucas, Malcolm Honda