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1922 Senior TT
Position Competitor(s) Time Speed Machine
1 Bennett, Alec 3:53:00.20 58.31 Sunbeam
2 Brandish, Walter 4:00:22.60 56.52 Triumph
3 Langman, Harry 4:02:14.80 56.9 Scott
4 Wood, Clarrie 4:06:10.00 55.2 Scott
5 Walker, Graham 4:09:08.00 54.55 Norton
6 de la Hay, Tommy 4:14:05.00 53.48 Sunbeam
7 Alexander, Alfie 4:15:56.00 53.3 Douglas
8 Olsson, Vivian 4:16:27.00 52.99 Sunbeam
9 Clapham, Geoff 4:18:03.40 52.67 Scott
10 Adamson, Jack 4:19:13.60 52.41 Norton
11 Davidson, Douglas 4:28:37.00 5.6 Indian
12 Wade, Ossie 4:32:51.00 49.8 AJS
13 Halford, Frank 4:33:28.00 49.7 Triumph
14 Baldwin, Oliver 4:33:37.00 49.67 Rudge
15 Knowles, R.M. 4:35:31.00 49.41 Norton
16 Strange, George 4:37:15.00 49.1 Sheffield Henderson
17 Davison, Geoff 4:51:25.00 46.63 Sunbeam
18 Mundey, Edward 4:58:10.00 45.58 New Hudson
19 Cowley, George Snr 5:03:19.00 44.8 Sunbeam
20 Waterhouse, Charlie 5:12:58.00 43.4 Sunbeam
21 Black, Graeme 5:16:48.00 42.9 Norton
22 Tucker, George 5:42:43.00 39.61 Norton
R Taylor, Bert Rudge
R Brown, Reg Sunbeam
R Dixon, Freddie Indian
R Shaw, Jimmy Norton
R Hassall, Hubert Norton
R Davies, Howard AJS
R Dance, George Sunbeam
R Crabtree, Syd Sunbeam
R Simpson, Jimmie Scott
R Brown, Douggie Norton
R Kelly, George AJS
R Jacobs, E.R. Beardmore Precision
R Jones, Archie Douglas
R Bourke, B. New Hudson
R Edmond, Freddy Triumph
R Jackson, Alec Sunbeam
R Carton, Ado Norton
R Searle, Ernie Sheffield Henderson
R Hatton, Freddie Douglas
R Riddell, Howard Rudge
R Harveyson, Reuben Triumph
R Black, Norman Norton
R Ollerhead, Sydney Douglas
R Simister, Tom Norton
R Norris, Norman Beardmore Precision
R Ewers, Bob Rudge
R Bownass, Robin NUT
R Johnson, W. Sunbeam
R Hollowell, Billy Norton
R Dickinson, T.W. Duzmo
R Vack, Bert le New Imperial
R Mathers, Bert Rudge
R Watson-Bourne, Jack Rudge
R Thomas, Ivor Scott
R Danskin, Will Rudge
R Anstice, Vic Douglas
R Stead, Chris Indian
R Collard, F. Beardmore Precision
R Alexander, Douggie Indian
R Cowley jnr, George Norton
R Whalley, Jim Massey Arran
R Cawthorne, Ralph Norton
R Porter, Jock Sunbeam
R Burrill, Hamilton Rudge