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1970 Sidecar 750 TT
Position Competitor(s) Time Speed Machine
1 Schauzu, Siegfried & Schneider, Horst 1:15:18.00 90.2 BMW
4 Cooper, Bill & Argent, D.B. 1:24:11.80 80.68 WEC
6 & MacFadzean, Alex
8 Swindells, Adrian 1:25:57.00 79.02 Atlas
10 Krukowski, Peter & Lewis, A. 1:27:21.00 77.76 BSA
11 Whitton, Mick 1:27:39.00 77.49 BSA
12 & Emmins, Chris
13 Rudd, Terry 1:28:17.40 76.94 Triumph
14 & Williams, D.
15 Yorke, Derek 1:30:28.40 75.08 Triton
16 & Lockett, D.
17 Bell, Ray & Wetherell, J. 1:30:36.80 74.96 BSA
21 Downes, Stephen & Harris, J. 1:32:05.00 73.76 Triumph
22 & Sewell, G.
24 Lewin, Fred 1:34:09.00 72.14 Norton
25 & Lodge, D.
27 & Cooper, S.
28 & Graham, J.
29 Moran, Barry & Moran, Ken 1:36:26.00 70.43 Norton
30 Bradford, Derek & Makepeace, R. 1:36:57.00 70.06 Norton
31 & Beales, Jenny
32 Teasdale, Arthur 1:40:27.40 67.62 Triumph
33 Smith, Ron & Forrest, Ian 1:40:30.80 67.58 Triumph
34 Mee, Brian & Louis, P. 1:43:05.00 65.89 BSA
35 & Osborne, R.C.
36 Plummer, Derek 1:50:00.00 61.75 Triumph
37 & Forrest, W.
38 Campbell, J. & Mansfield, L. 1:51:45.00 60.78 Norton
R Evans, Idris Imp spl
R Willmott, Eric Triumph
R Butscher, Arsenius BMW
R Digby, Stuart BSA
R Renwick, John Vincent
R Maplethorpe, Dick Triumph
R Hickford, Tony BSA
R Cooper, W. Triumph
R Duncan, M.D. Triumph
R Whiteside, P. BSA
R Witherington, Andre Triumph
R Alcock, G. BSA
R Panter, N. Triumph
R Scott, Keith CVS
R Kennard, P. Vincent
R Kay, F. GSM
R Meehan, P. Triumph
R Diprose, P. Triumph
R Senior, D. BSA
R Haddrell, B. BSA
R Pennington, John Norton
R Cusnik, Jurgen BMW
R Ashenden, R. Triumph
R Hunt, Michael Triumph
R Coomber, D. Atlas
R Jose, Dave Triumph
R Auerbacher, Georg BMW
R Lomas, William BSA
R Dade, Pete Vincent
R Brandon, John JCLS
R Dutton, Roger BSA
R McDonald, Ian Triumph
R Gillender, Alan GSS
R Gawley, Jeff BSA
R Sanderson, H. Triumph
R Kalauch, Wolfgang BMW
R Kiff, Eddie Triumph
R Newbold, Colin Triumph
R Lloyd, Ted Triumph
R Luthringshauser, Heinz BMW
R Harris, B.L. Triumph
R Harrington, T.J. Triumph
R Cropper, Peter Triumph
R Hawes, Dick Seeley
R Potter, Mick Triumph
R Simpson, G. GSS
R Davis, Geoff Triumph
R Currie, Bill GSM
R Sinnott, Steve SWS
R Freeman, Charlie Norton
R Mann, Jimmy Seeley
R Hardcastle, Pete Triumph
R Vant, Eric Triumph
R Janes, R. Triumph
R Griffin, Keith Triumph
R Boddice, Mick BSA
R Kewley, Bob BSA
R Sharrocks, Malcolm Triumph
R Tomlins, B.R. BSA
R Powell, R. Triumph
R Baitup, Tony Triumph
R Harris, T. Triumph